
Abandoned Materials

Abandoned Materials is a photographic project which reflects personal experiences of urban exploration around the concept of ‘abandon’ within the urban space. Ruins in our modern cities are the reflection of destructive human and natural actions of different reasons, showing the fragilities of a city.
Bradley Garrett has argued that urban’s explorer fascination for ruins stems from a desire to engage with history in its own terms.
Photographs of urban ruins as well as abandon of materials, products pose an aesthetic and political charge on the practice of urban exploration, creating and proposing space and time for reflection.
On the one hand the abandon within the urban space implies absence, melancholy, thus social-economic-environmental injustice, thus anger. On the other it is rebirth and reappropriation (sometimes by nature, other by ‘invisibles’) and so life.
Ruins are reminders of the past, industrial
breaks, something that exists but there is no more, dead inside. But at the same time ruins within their death, become home for new, perhaps different lives.


